King reappointed to chair

Published 9:48 am Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Edna King and Andrea Hall-Leonard were voted in as the chair and vice chair of the Franklin City Public Schools Board, respectively, for the upcoming academic year.

The elections took place during the school board’s annual reorganization last Wednesday.

Board member Jeanette Austin nominated incumbent King, and Nancy Godwin nominated Will Council. King won with votes totaling 4-3. In addition to voting for herself, King was supported by Verta Jackson, Andrea Hall-Leonard and Austin. Supporting Council’s vote for himself, he received votes from Robert Holt and Godwin.

In turn, Holt nominated Council for vice chairman, and Austin nominated Hall-Leonard. Hall-Leonard won 4-3. King, Austin and Jackson joined Hall-Leonard in voting for herself. Once again, Council, Godwin and Holt voted for Council.

The terms for both positions will expire on June 30, 2016.