Sheriff seeks burglary suspects
Published 10:04 am Friday, July 24, 2015
The Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Office is looking for two suspects in a convenience store burglary who might be connected to a recent theft of Virginia Lottery tickets in Southampton County. The incident took place at J.B. Food Mart in the Walters community during the early morning hours of Thursday.

Video footage at J.B. Food Mart shows this person in the convenience story in the early hours of Thursday morning. — SUBMITTED
A press release issued on Friday morning states that surveillance video inside the store shows one black man taking items from inside. He was wearing a dark-blue long-sleeved sweatshirt, a dark blue beanie and white scarf over his face. Outside cameras show another black man with facial hair and a black and white baseball cap. He is also described as a person of interest.
They were driving what is believed to be a Lexus.
“It took longer than anticipated to get the video from the store. Then we were able to develop a suspect list,” IOW investigator Lt. Tommy Potter said about the delay in releasing the information.

The Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Office calls this man a person of interest. He was recorded on video at J.B. Food Mart the other evening. — SUBMITTED
He added that the two men seen in the video are “more than likely suspects” in the Southampton Sheriff’s Office search in the case of stolen Virginia Lottery tickets. Last week, $1,753 worth of tickets were reported stolen in an early morning burglary at the Exxon Mobile service station in Drewryville.
Potter said the IOW office has conferred with Southampton and the Virginia Lottery Commission. He also said the cases are “possibly tied to one or two in Suffolk earlier this month,” but that they’re still waiting confirmation from the Suffolk Police Department.
People having information on this or any other crime could be eligible for a cash reward for tips reported through the crime line program. These tips submitted to crime line are anonymous and confidential. You will not be asked to reveal your identity and you will not have to testify in court.
You can report your tip to the Isle of Wight•Smithfield•Windsor Crime Line in several ways including the new Text method or you can download the TipSoft app: Call: 1-888-LOCK-U-UP (1-888-562-5887), option 10. Text: send your tip to CRIMES (274637) begin your text with the letters IOWCL.
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Those with information about the burglary in Southampton County are asked to call the Crime Line or the Southampton Sheriff’s Office at 653-2100.