Q&A with Dr. Carletta N. Perry: When will the days get brighter?

Published 8:34 am Monday, July 6, 2015

Q. Dr. Perry, I smile during the day but I cry at night. When will it get better?

A. As I pondered your question, a song came across my radio called “Brighter Days” by Kendall Hunter. What a beautiful song! It inspired me to inspire you.

I want you to know that we all have good days and bad days, experience happiness as well as sadness, and it can all happen sometimes in the same day. Now, on one hand, you may be dealing with some clinical concerns, such as a mood disorder. However, on another hand, you may be dealing with what I call a “midnight hour moment.”

If it is a mood disorder, don’t be afraid to seek out a professional to help you understand things you may not be aware of. The goal is to begin to walk on the path to brighter days.

In the meantime, let’s talk about midnight hour moments. Midnight hour moments happen when your day is complete, you are all alone, and no one is available to call or, at least, they wouldn’t answer your call at 2 a.m.

So the question is, “when will it get better?” Hopefully, you are feeling better just reading this and knowing that I hear you and you are not alone because so many people smile during the day and cry at night but know that brighter days are never far away.

Where you are now is not where you will be always. Your mind may be filled with doubt, your heart with hurt, your past with broken promises, and all you can see in your present are shattered dreams and what you don’t have.

I want you to do me a favor and begin to say out loud right now all that you are grateful for in your life, i.e. a safe place to live, health and strength, another day alive, and that God sent me to write this article to inspire you.

I want you to change the way you begin and end your day. Every morning that you wake up, I want you to say out loud what you are grateful for. Make it a point to create happy moments throughout the day.

Every night before you go to sleep, I want you to close your eyes and reminisce on what you survived, accomplished, and remember all the little things that made you smile on that day. Sleep well and sweet dreams.

Dr. Carletta N. Perry holds a doctorate in clinical psychology, with specialties in marriage and family. She is a professor of psychology, a therapeutic life coach and relationship expert, as well as author, radio and television host and entrepreneur. Catch her new television show, “It’s Life Changing with Dr. Carletta Perry,” Sundays at 7 p.m. on Charter Channel 191. Email your own questions for this feature to contact@drcarlettaperry.com.