Trustee Sale – 15395 Pinopolis Road

Published 4:01 pm Monday, June 8, 2015

Tax Map No. 71 33
15395 Pinopolis Road, Boykins, VA 23827
aka 173.80 acres, W. R. Altizer Farm,
Drewryville Magisterial District,
Southampton County, Virginia

In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated June 8, 2010, made by Brian Mack Francis and Berkley M. Francis, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Southampton, Virginia, as Instrument Number 100001392, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any of whom may act, will offer for sale at the Southampton County Courthouse, 22350 Main Street, Courtland, VA 23837, on June 12, 2015, at 1:00 p.m., property located in Southampton County, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:

All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in Drewryville Magisterial District, Southampton County, Virginia, on the northeast side of the road leading from Drewryville to Capron, near the old J. S. Musgrave place, containing 174.55 acres by survey made by J. C. Shearin, C. E., Roanoke Rapids, N.C., October, 1947, entitled “MAP SHOWING W. R. ALTIZER FARM”, bounded and described as follows, to-wit; Beginning at a point on the north side of the said road, a corner for this tract and the land of J. S. Drewry, and running thence along a fence N. 11 degrees W. 1054 feet; N. 42 degrees 30 minutes W. 225 feet; N. 46 degrees W. 546 feet to a gum and red oak; thence N. 47 degrees 30 minutes W. 592 feet to a maple on branch; thence in a northerly direction down the run of a branch 1,850 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the said branch and the run of Pope’s Mill Swamp; thence in an eastwardly direction with the run of Pope’s Mill Swamp 1,500 feet, more or less, to a point where another branch runs into the said Mill Swamp; thence with the run of Pope’s Mill Swamp, S. 75 degrees E. 120 feet; N. 75 degrees E. 210 feet; S. 40 degrees E. 105 feet; S. 75 degrees E. 110 feet; S. 15 degrees E. 190 feet; S. 10 degrees W. 102 feet; S. 65 degrees E. 428 feet to the intersection of another branch with the said Mill Swamp, thence up the said branch and with the line of the Turner land, S. 25 degrees 38 minutes W. 128 feet; S. 20 degrees W. 134 feet; S. 33 degrees W. 195 feet; S. 19 degrees W. 122 feet; S. 5 degrees 30 minutes E. 88 feet; S. 3 degrees 30 minutes E. 124 feet; S. 5 degrees 30 minutes E. 126 feet; S. 5 degrees E. 143 feet; S. 7 degrees 15 minutes E. 200 feet to a pine; thence S. 21 degrees 30 minutes E. 178 feet to a gum; S. 20 degrees E. 168 feet to a w. oak; S. 18 degrees E. 118 feet to a gum; S. 26 degrees 30 minutes E. 160 feet to a pine; S. 24 degrees 24 minutes E. 344 feet to a gum; S. 21 degrees 30 minutes E. 142 feet; S 25 degrees 30 minutes E. 65 feet to a point on another branch; S. 72 degrees 15 minutes W. 198 feet; S. 60 degrees W. 301 feet; S. 39 degrees W. 200 feet to a point, a corner for the tract hereby conveyed and the lot formerly sold by E. F. Reese, Jr. and wife to Clinton Britt and Margarette P. Britt; thence continuing up the said branch and with the Britt line in a southwestwardly direction 212 feet to a point; thence S. 28 degrees E. 210 feet to a point on the north side of the said road leading from Drewryville to Capron, corner for Britt; thence along the north side of the said road S. 53 degrees W. 110 feet; S. 66 degrees W. 680 feet; S. 75 degrees W. 153 feet to the point of beginning.

SAVE AND EXCEPT, HOWEVER, that certain portion of the above described property conveyed to Richard E. Wright and Jeannette B. Wright by deed from Taft W. Blow and Maggie V. Blow, his wife, dated August 27, 1962, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Southampton County, Virginia, in Deed Book 152 at page 157 and therein described as follows: All of that certain lot or parcel of land lying, being and situate in Drewryville Magisterial District, Southampton County, Virginia, on the northerly side of the road leading from Capron to Little Texas, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly side of the said highway right of way, which point is a dividing line between the property of Richard E. and Jeannette B. Wright and the property of Taft W. Blow; thence south 53° west along said highway for a distance of 60 feet, a new corner; thence North 28° West for a distance of 210 feet to a point, a new corner; thence North 53° East for a distance of 60 feet to the corner of the property belonging to Richard E. and Jeannette B. Wright; thence along the Wright Property South 28° 00′ East 210 feet to the point and place of beginning. FURTHER SAVE AND EXCEPT, HOWEVER, that certain portion of the above described property conveyed to Richard E. Wright and Jeannette B. Wright by deed from Alexander Westbrook et ux, et al, dated May 2, 1969, and recorded May 5, 1969 in said Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 186 at page 730, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land lying, being and situate in Drewryville Magisterial District, Southampton County, Virginia, on the northwest side of and adjacent to Virginia State Highway No. 653 and designated as Parcel “B” on a ‘PLAT SHOWING PROPERTY FOR RICHARD E. WRIGHT’ dated April 12, 1969, made by S. V. Camp, III & Associates, said plat having been recorded in Map Book 10, at page 34 and described in accordance with said plat as follows: Beginning at an iron pin on the northwest side of and adjacent to said Highway 653 at the southwest corner of Parcel ‘A’ said Parcel ‘A’ being owned by Richard E. Wright; thence N. 28° 00′ W along said Parcel ‘A’ 210.0 feet to an iron pin at the northwest corner of said Parcel ‘A’ and in the line of Alexander Westbrook, thence S. 60° 51’ W. 138.1 feet to an iron pin, a new corner; thence S. 24° 57′ E. 210.0 feet to an iron pin at said Highway 653, a new corner; thence N. 65° 03′ E. along said Highway 653 100.0 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 53° 00′ E. 50.0 feet along said Highway to the iron pin at the point of beginning and bounded by Virginia State Highway 653, Parcel ‘A’ owned by Richard E. Wright and other land of Alexander Westbrook.

This sale is subject to all easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described.

TERMS OF SALE: Cash. A bidder’s deposit of up to ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in cash or certified funds may be required. Settlement within thirty days of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement which will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale.

Travis A. Knobbe, Douglas T. Stark and
Britteny N. Jenkins, Substitute Trustees
For Information Contact:
Travis A. Knobbe
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone
540-342-4480 Facsimile