COF Planning Commission

Published 4:10 pm Monday, June 8, 2015


Notice is hereby given in accordance with Virginia Code Section 15.2-2204 that the City of Franklin Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at the regular City Council meeting commencing at 6:00 P. M. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 207 West Second Avenue, Franklin, Virginia to consider;

1) text amendments to Appendix D, Zoning Ordinance of the Franklin City Code containing the following: A) amend the text of Article XI Central

Commercial District Use Regulations as follows: 1) amend Section 11.1 Purpose of the district to include mixed-use developments: 2) amend Section 11.2 Permitted principal uses to add a new subsection (c) to include single family attached dwelling units, such as townhouses and add a new subsection (p) to include mixed-use developments (As defined in Article XXIX of Appendix D the zoning ordinance of the City Code): 3) amend Section 11.4 Permitted accessory uses subsection (6) to delete home occupations and to replace with live / work units as prescribed in said subsection and to add Temporary Family Health Care Structure as subsection (7) and renumber the remaining subsections that remain the same: 4) amend Section 11.5 Minimum lot area subsection (a) to read as follows: (a) Business uses and mixed-use development – no minimum lot area is established and add a new subsection (c) to read as follows: The minimum lot area for each townhouse unit shall be 3,000 square feet including a pro-rata portion of common areas. 5) amend Section 10.6 Setback regulations subsection (a) to read as follows: (a) Business uses and mixed-use developments — There is no minimum setback; 6) amend Section 11.7 Minimum lot frontage subsection (a) to read as follows: (a) Business uses and mixed-use developments -There is no minimum lot frontage and amend subsection (b) to read as follows: The minimum lot frontage shall be at least 50 feet at the minimum front setback line for single-family detached dwellings, 60 feet for two family dwellings and at least 20 feet at the minimum front setback line for attached single family dwellings (townhouses); 7) amend Section 11.8 Minimum lot width subsection (a) to read as follows: (a) Business uses and mixed-use developments — There is no minimum lot width and amend subsection (b) to read as follows: The minimum lot width shall be at least 50 feet for single-family detached dwellings, 60 feet for two family dwellings and at least 20 feet for attached single family dwellings (townhouses); 8) amend Section 11.9 Yard regulations subsections (1) to read as follows: (1) Side yard-Business uses and mixed-use developments. There is no minimum side yard, insert new subsections (3) and (6) and renumber subsections to read as follows: (3)   Side yard–Townhouses.  The minimum width of the side yard for an exterior unit shall be fifteen feet, (6)   Rear yard for Townhouses. The minimum depth of the rear shall be at least 25 feet from the principal permitted structure and amend the renumbered subsection (4) to read as follows (4)   Rear yard – Business uses and mixed use developments.  There is no minimum rear yard, except in those cases where a conditionally permitted B-3 use abuts an R District. In that case there shall be a rear yard of at least 30 feet. 9) amend Section 11.10 Height regulations subsections (a) and (b) to read as follows: (a)   Business uses and mixed use developments.  The maximum height of all structures shall not exceed 80 feet and shall not exceed or six stories, (b)   Residential uses other than mixed use developments.  The maximum height of all structures shall not exceed 80 feet and may not exceed six stories. B) amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance Article XXIX Definitions to include the definition of “Temporary Family Health Care Structure”

The public hearing is to be held at a public facility designed to be accessible to persons with disabilities. Any persons with questions concerning the accessibility of the facility or those who have need for reasonable accommodations should contact Shelia Baker at (757) 562-8580. Persons needing interpreter services for the deaf must notify Ms. Baker at least seven (7) days in advance of the hearing.

Full texts of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments are available for inspection at the office of the secretary of the Planning Commission located at 207 West Second Avenue, Franklin, Virginia during regular business hours. Any person desiring to express his or her views with respect to the proposed zoning ordinance text amendments should appear at the aforesaid time and place.

Donald Goodwin, Secretary
City of Franklin Planning Commission