Take advantage of comment period on Alternate 460

Published 11:09 am Friday, May 22, 2015

To the Editor:

Editor’s note: The following is Chris Peters’ address to Windsor Town Council on Tuesday, May 12.

Mayor [Carita] Richardson & Mr. [Michael] Stallings,

Thanks for the opportunity to speak at this evening’s council meeting. As I indicated in my comments, there is currently an open comments period for comments to the CTB on the Six-Year Improvement Plan, which includes the 460 project. I stumbled on this information reading an article in The Tidewater News of May 1st. Here is a quote from the end of the article:

“If you would like to voice your opinion about the Route 460 project or any other transportation issue, you may send your comments to the Infrastructure Investment Director at 1401 E. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23219, or e-mail them to Six-YearProgram@VDOT.Virginia.gov.

Comments will be received until Friday, May 22.

For more information, please visit http://www.virginiahb2.org or http://www.virginiadot.org/proiects/syp-defaulf.asp.”

I intend to submit comments with regard to the 460 project, focusing on the “big picture,” with 3 main points: (1) VDOT’s own Draft SEIS clearly indicates that of the 5 fully studied 55-mile alternatives, Alternative 4 is in fact that LEDPA (2) also if VDOT chooses a hybrid alternative that a hybrid of Alt 4 and No-Build clearly better matches the stated Purpose and Need and offers the best value per taxpayer dollar. (3) That the current “preferred alternative” was obviously chosen to sweeten the pot in negotiations with US Mobility Partners and now that that contract is null and void, the chosen “preferred alternative” makes even less sense from any perspective.

Please pass this information along to anyone that might like to make comments, let’s keep the pressure on and turn up the heat some more.

Again, this open comment period on the SYIP ends May 22.

Thanks again for the opportunity to speak.

Chris Peters