No new taxes planned in Windsor budget

Published 11:08 am Saturday, May 16, 2015

There are no recommended tax increases in the proposed $1.65 million operating budget for Windsor during fiscal year 2015-2016. Town Manager Michael Stallings made that announcement during the council’s meeting on Tuesday. Not only will there be a balanced budget for both the general fund and water fund, but this has been done without cutting services.

“We’re happy to be able to do that and not increase taxes, where other places around us are doing so,” Stallings told council members and the mayor.

He also recommended the town maintain its real estate tax of 10 cents per $100, as well as the personal property tax staying at 50 cents per $100.

“However, we will need to continue to review our tax rate with upcoming years as we continue our effort to serve the citizens of Windsor in the best way possible,” Stallings stated in the budget packet.

The general fund actually comes down to $1.57 million after a $63,240 transfer to other funds. That amount is the expense the general fund charges the water fund, which has a budget of $606,000.

The bulk of revenue, Stallings pointed out, comes from other local taxes. General property taxes account for only 19 percent, followed by: licenses at 11 percent; fines at 9 percent; miscellaneous revenues at 6 percent; revenues from the Commonwealth at 5 percent; and rents at 1 percent.

The police are the largest expenditure at 34.8 percent. General management at 16.9 percent, followed by capital projects at 14.2 percent; public works at 10 percent; non-departmental need at 7.4 percent; planning at 5.1 percent; refuse collection at 5 percent; legal and legislative each at 2.3 percent; cultural events and economic development each at 0.7 percent; and fire and rescue at 0.5 percent.

“The general fund has no outstanding debt,” Stallings said. “Not many localities can say that.”

Further, he added that the town is within the legal debt limit of $19.54 million.

For the water fund, the main source of revenue is the sale of water, which is budgeted for next year at $442,500, and the tap connection and other fees at $45,000; last year’s figures were at $433,000 and $40,000, respectively. Interest earned is projected at $3,500, and the prior year fund balance is $115,000.

Expenses for the water fund are $325,145 for operation and maintenance.

People’s access to the budget can be found on in the town hall, post office, library, Farmer’s Bank, Windsor Pharmacy and Citizens National Bank, as well as the town’s website at

A public hearing on the budget is scheduled for Tuesday, May 26, at 7 p.m. in council chambers. Action will be deferred to the next regular meeting on Tuesday, June 9 at the same time.