Your words in my mouth
Published 7:45 am Friday, May 1, 2015
To the Editor:
I recently attended a meeting of the Berkley Neighborhood Watch in which Chief [Phil] Hardison gave an excellent presentation on police training and procedures. In the Tidewater News’ article (Constitution is guiding principle for FPD, April 29, 2015), Mr. Cain [Madden] stated that I asked ‘…how would they get me out of my car if I refused?’ Those were not my words; those were Mr. Cain’s words. My question was: “If a person refuses to comply with a command, how do you get that person to comply”? Chief Hardison’s response was: “… say for example you refused to get out of your car…”
Mr. Cain, please do not put your words into my mouth. There must be some journalistic ethic code against doing that.
When reading your articles, I get a sense of your irritation or frustration when you have to report “no comment” or “cannot be reached for comment” Maybe they have a valid reason not to respond.
Johnetta Nichols