Southampton Class of 2005 accepting scholarship applications

Published 7:43 am Friday, May 1, 2015

The Southampton High School Class of 2005 will bestow a scholarship to one high school senior prior to its 10-year class reunion on Saturday, June 27. The money will be presented to the winner during an awards assembly at the high school; the reunion will be on board the Spirit of Norfolk, a themed cruise ship that floats along the Elizabeth River in downtown Norfolk.

Applications for the $500, non-renewable scholarship are due on Friday, May 15, and are available for pickup from Mille B. Gardner, counselor, at the high school guidance office.

“Our intent for this award is to not only assist someone with furthering their education, but also to inspire the student — and others — to give back and pay-it-forward to others,” said class chairman Chiquita King. “Many members of our class have ventured various paths in life, and we’re grateful that we’re able to give back to a school that has given so much to us.”

King pointed out that the essay questions in the scholarship reflect that statement, asking how the students’ high school experiences shaped who they are today, and asks them to explain how they plan to give back to their school in the future.

For more information or any additional questions, contact King or co-chairman Kimberly Thomas at