Welcome to the neighborhood

Published 10:01 am Wednesday, April 8, 2015

We may occasionally offer criticism on Franklin and Western Tidewater, but it’s all meant to start the conversation toward improvement. Even considering our sometimes harsh words, we also contend that it’s a great place to live.

Last week, we heard about some flaws with Paul D. Camp Community College through a release from Virginia Community College System Chancellor Glenn DuBois. We then learned that he would be intervening and bringing in an interim president to help right the ship before hiring a permanent replacement for Dr. Paul Wm. Conco. Set to retire in June, Conco will instead fill out the remainder of his contract in the chancellor’s office.

The interim president started on Monday, and his name is Dr. William C. Aiken. According to the release, Aiken had successfully served as an interim president in a North Carolina community college in a similar situation. Before that, he retired from Sampson Community College in Clinton, North Carolina.

Paul D. Camp Community College and its Regional Workforce Development Center are very important to the area. The system has programs that help better the area public schools and the work force, as well as offer enrichment opportunities for the community beyond its students.

The college administration has often referred to the college as a jewel.

We believe that it has the potential to shine like they envision, it’s just going to need a little bit of polishing.

Hopefully, Dr. Aiken is ready to roll up his sleeves, pull out the polish and help the community college play its vital role in bringing Franklin to its full potential.