County outlines details of pending secondary road project

Published 10:46 am Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Residents of Champs Drive have contacted the Southampton Board of Supervisors expressing interest in having their roadway integrated into the Virginia Secondary System of Highways. The board has since reached out to the Virginia Department of Transportation to see if the roadway meets such requirements.

Located just off of Sedley Road (Route 641), Champs Drive is a 750-foot privately maintained roadway that serves seven single-family residences.

The land was plotted in April 1946 and simply named “Street” by the Camp Manufacturing Company. A July 1990 resolution by the board of supervisors renamed it “Champs Drive.”

With a dedicated 50-foot right-of-way easement into the property lines on Champs Drive, the board has suggested drainage improvements and the addition of a cul-de-sac at the end of the roadway to allow for public use. Per the board, this would also remove the issue of speculative interest for certain lots within the plot.

Moving forward, the county must coordinate an eligibility review, in which the Virginia Department of Transportation advises the county of the requirements, improvement costs and other issues related to the acceptance of the proposed road addition.

The board must then guarantee the right-of-way for the road, and take action to make it a part of the secondary system by formally requesting VDOT to add the road to the secondary highway system for maintenance. At this point, the department will assess several factors, including whether or not the current roadway material is sufficient or needs replaced.

From there, VDOT will either accept or decline the maintenance responsibility of Champs Drive.

For additional information on the proposed changes to Champs Drive, contact County Administrator Michael W. Johnson at 653-3015, or VDOT’s Laurie Simmons at 925-1647.