Community launches campaign for March of Dimes

Published 10:09 am Monday, February 16, 2015

Trina Jones, left, speaks during the kickoff breakfast for the annual March of Dimes project in Western Tidewater. Jones is chairman of this year's campaign. Standing at right is Susan Smith, division executive director for the Greater Hampton Roads Division of March of Dimes. The goal is to raise $25,000.

Trina Jones, left, speaks during the kickoff breakfast for the annual March of Dimes project in Western Tidewater. Jones is chairman of this year’s campaign. Standing at right is Susan Smith, division executive director for the Greater Hampton Roads Division of March of Dimes. The goal is to raise $25,000.

Trina Jones believes that raising $25,000 for the sake of healthy babies is not only doable, it’s also thrilling. She’s this year’s chairwoman of the Western Hampton Roads campaign for March of Dimes.

“I’m exceedingly excited,” Jones said at the recent kickoff breakfast, which she called “a great way to rally us together.”

Previous to taking the helm, she has served on local MoD planning committees. Jones said she’s “really, really looking forward” to what individuals and teams can do for the cause, calling it “a great thing,” and that she’s “proud and pleased” to be a part of it all.

Further, Jones believes that what’s done here will have a direct impact locally.

In addition to this volunteer work, she already has a full-time career as the dean of student services at Paul D. Camp Community College. A new student activities coordinator is about to be hired at the school, and Jones is hopeful that person will get the students involved in the campaign. She’d also like to see competition among teams for raising the money.

Another person ready to do her part for MoD is Chiquita Seaborne, who works as the transition coach at Franklin High School. She’s been on the planning committee for a couple of years and involved in various fundraisers. Seaborne wants to get the Student Government Association of the school involved with the project.

Susan Smith, division executive director for the Greater Hampton Roads Division of MoD, said she was “very pleased with the turnout” at the kickoff. As she had stated in a previous interview, government leaders, schools, civic groups and Southampton Memorial Hospital are on board.

“It’s fun for a serious cause.”

The annual March of Dimes walk will be on Sunday, Oct. 16, at the walking trail of the college.

Registration begins and 1 p.m., and walk starts at 2 p.m.

For more information about the walk, contact Smith at 383-8817 or, or visit