March for your baby

Published 10:49 am Friday, January 30, 2015

Participants in the 2013 March of Dimes at Barrett's Landing pledge allegiance before walking to raise money for the campaign. A kick-off breakfast at the Pavilion auditorium in Southampton Memorial Hospital is scheduled for next week to begin fundraising, with a goal of $25,000.

Participants in the 2013 March of Dimes at Barrett’s Landing pledge allegiance before walking to raise money for the campaign. A kick-off breakfast at the Pavilion auditorium in Southampton Memorial Hospital is scheduled for next week to begin fundraising, with a goal of $25,000.

It’s never too early to champion the cause of bringing healthy babies into the world.

That’s why even though the March of Dimes event will be on Sunday, Oct. 16, the campaign is being started on Friday, Feb. 6.

The kick-off event will be a breakfast starting at 8:30 a.m. in the Pavilion auditorium of Southampton Memorial Hospital. Both SMH and Trina Jones, chairwoman of the Western Hampton Roads campaign, are inviting people to participate in both the launch and, of course, the walk itself.

“I’m so proud of Franklin,” said Susan Smith, division executive director for the Greater Hampton Roads Division of March of Dimes. “City leaders, schools, Southampton Memorial Hospital and civic groups are involved. It’s a true community walk.”

Money raised by participants goes to more than just research in prevention of and treatment for birth defects. Smith said autism, blood-clotting disorders, cancer, diabetes and epilepsy are a few of the numerous other health concerns of which March of Dimes is involved.

The organization offers programs to help mothers-to-be have full-term pregnancies and deliver healthy babies. Online education and support systems are also available.

Last year’s local fundraising goal was $25,000, but the total fell short at $21,000. The target this year is again $25,000. Smith said that the march has been moved to the fall to avoid potential conflicts with spring-related events. Although an offer was made to kick off the campaign next season, she was told that supporters want to start early, “so we can make the goal.”

She said that on average, 84 cents of every dollar goes to research. But Smith figures that it’s probably 90 cents of every dollar in Franklin, because of volunteers and donations.

The walk itself has been moved from Barrett’s Landing to the walking trail at the college, with registration at 1 p.m., and the walk at 2 p.m.

Reservations are needed to attend the breakfast. Contact Susan Smith at 383-8817 or about this or the walk, or visit