Addressing crime

Published 10:14 am Wednesday, January 14, 2015

There has been much reaction to a recent report in The Tidewater News concerning the high crime rate in the City of Franklin. When this newspaper disclosed that Franklin has the second highest incident rate in the state, a collective groan could be heard emanating from one end of town to the other. Very few, if any, disputed the reported facts. Most expressed either a sense of disgust of shame. All seemed resigned to the fact that Franklin does, indeed, have a problem.

There are several factors, primarily socioeconomic and cultural ones, which have led us to our current state. Until community leadership begins to collectively examine, discuss and address these factors not much is likely to change. Some have chosen, misguidedly we believe, to blame the Franklin Police Department. But a police force is not responsible for, and cannot correct, some of the fundamental challenges we face.

We call on city leaders to address the problem at hand. A citywide task force, made up of government officials, law enforcement professionals and civic leaders from all walks of life, would be a good place to start.