Social Services grateful for community’s generosity

Published 9:21 am Friday, December 5, 2014

To the Editor:

Southampton Social Services was able to assist 392 families this year during the Thanksgiving holiday. This would not have been possible without donations from the community. At a time when we all are affected by the declining economy, it is heartwarming to see the compassion and concern shown to those less fortunate. Thank you to the churches, schools, civic organizations, individuals, and Food Lion Franklin and Courtland for making this possible.

As each of you sat around the table with family and friends for your Thanksgiving meal, I hope you took a moment to think about the families that your generosity impacted.

Courtland Baptist Church and Shiloh Baptist Church provided a wonderful meal Thanksgiving Day for those in need or who simply did not want to be alone on this day.

A special thank you to the faithful monthly Mobile Food volunteers who came out Thanksgiving week to help with that distribution, which assisted an additional 182 families.

What a wonderful and caring community we live in.

Jean Stephenson
Southampton County

Social Serves