Forbes continues to be responsive to constiuents
Published 10:42 am Friday, October 31, 2014
To the Editor:
After reading the accusation made by Elliott Fausz of Congressman Randy Forbes not being responsive to or available to his constituents, I must offer a rebuttal. We’ve had floods, the IP closure and all those job losses and where was Congressman Forbes? Front and center! Who was here to help harness federal resources for the effects of the floods and for all those displaced employees of IP? Congressman Forbes. We got outstanding attention, service and resources.
When Congressman Forbes was first elected to Congress, I encouraged him to hire Rick Franklin to continue the outstanding constituent services we had come to appreciate when Rick worked for Congressman [Norman] Sisisky. Congressman Forbes did just that, and until Rick retired we had outstanding Congressional service for “the people of the 4th Congressional District.”
With the retirement of Rick Franklin a new face appeared in Curtis Byrd, who has continued the same outstanding service to us in the 4th district. Congressman Forbes needs to be in Washington to try to keep some sense there. So he, and we, are dependent on local representation thru the likes of Rick Franklin and Curtis Byrd. Thanks to them, our needs and issues are abundantly addressed. Congressman Forbes’ staff does a great job in attending to any and all of our needs. Just this morning I called Curtis Byrd on another matter. He could not take any calls because he was in a meeting with a constituent. This service never stops. Please send our outstanding Congressman Forbes back to Washington. He is one of our bright spots and hopes for our fragile future!
Re-elect Congressman Forbes!
Jim Councill