Vann family grateful for public support

Published 10:29 am Saturday, October 25, 2014

In a world that is oftentimes filled with uncertainty and distress, it is so refreshing to be the recipient of a random act of kindness. We were so humbled and blessed to be able to experience just that on Oct. 11, 2014, as a group of family and friends held a benefit in honor of the Andy Vann family. Approximately 2 years ago, Andy was diagnosed with a rare and progressive lung condition, known as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), which causes his lungs to scar and stiffen making getting oxygen and breathing difficult. Andy has not been able to work since that time and of course medical bills ensued. Each day on this journey has been a challenge, but thanks to the wonderful support of this community, and certainly to God who deserves all the glory, we know our burdens are lighter.

Words almost seem inadequate to express the thanks due to those who planned and worked the benefit, to those who donated raffle and auction items, provided music, provided sponsorships and especially to those of you who purchased one of the 700 tickets sold. While the evening was bittersweet, through laughter and tears, a great time of fellowship, music and food was enjoyed. A gracious thank you to each person who supported the benefit in any way. We have been truly overwhelmed by how successful the benefit was. What a blessing to live in a rural community where so many family, friends and neighbors care.

It has been said that, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths that we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” The Andy Vann Family Benefit was certainly one of those moments! On behalf of Andy, Ercelle, Megan, Dustin, Bethany and Zachary, we thank you once again and ask for your continued support and prayers.

Andy Vann and family