FHS theater group to perform for competition

Published 1:00 pm Saturday, October 18, 2014

Franklin HIgh School students Angela Bird, in foreground, Summer Winston, Jamie Geary and Cameron Seddon rehearse a scene from “Cave Dream.” At far left is Karissa Scuermann. Not shown is Aaron Griffith. They and other students will perform the one-act play next week, including a competition against two other schools. -- CAIN MADDEN | THE TIDEWATER NEWS

Franklin HIgh School students Angela Bird, in foreground, Summer Winston, Jamie Geary and Cameron Seddon rehearse a scene from “Cave Dream.” At far left is Karissa Scuermann. Not shown is Aaron Griffith. They and other students will perform the one-act play next week, including a competition against two other schools. — CAIN MADDEN | THE TIDEWATER NEWS

A dozen Franklin High School students are living the dream, even if it’s a bit of a nightmare at times.

Under the direction of Jennifer Miguel, they’re rehearsing to present “Cave Dream” next week for local audiences. But their performances are also in preparation for a contest.

“The play is about five cave explorers who are trapped and must discover truth to escape,” said Miguel, who also teaches English at FHS.

The one-act story, which lasts approximately 30 minutes, is by Alan Haehnel, a contemporary playwright.

“Teri Zurfluh suggested it, and I loved it,” she added. “I’ve done several of his shows and they’ve been successful.”

Zurfluh, who is working with Miguel, has been a volunteer director of school plays in the past, such as last year’s “Eleven Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview.”

The first performance of “Cave Dream” will take place on Thursday, Sept. 23, at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium. The cost is only $2 per person. The acting troupe will present the play for free at J.P. King Jr. Middle School on Friday, Sept. 24, at 11 a.m. The Virginia High School League theater contest will be on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 11:30 a.m. in Surry High School. This will include the host school and Chincoteague, which are also in Conference 41, according to Miguel. She added that they’ll be judged only on acting and directing. The anticipated prize for winning first or second place could be a trophy, and the chance to go on to regionals.

The five cave explorers are acted by Angela Bird, Jamie Geary, Aaron Griffith, Cameron Seddon and Summer Winston. The six other parts will be done by Teresa Chamblee, Brian Davis, Leanna Leonard, Cullen Porter, Karissa Schuermann and Lenora Ward. Helping to get things together is Vanessa Stone, stage manager

This is Griffith’s last year in high school, and he intends to continue theater work afterward.

“I’m writing a one-act play, and I want to get my BFA at VCU or Mary Washington,” said the 18-year-old.

Acting in Haehnel’s story has been personally rewarding.

“It’s still the most challenge play so far for me,” Griffith said, adding that pantomime was part of that difficult work.

Summer Winston, a sophomore, said she’s discovered acting as a possible career. Last year she watched friends perform and was captivated.

“That could be me up there someday,” the 15-year-old said. She decided to try out for “Cave Dream” and was pleasantly surprised to be accepted.

“I want to do drama,” Griffith added. “I feel it comes naturally.”