Triumph In Life to host learning disabilities benefit

Published 10:33 am Friday, October 17, 2014

Triumph In Life Inc., a 501c3, is excited to announce an upcoming event, “Thank You For All Those Times.” It will be a teacher recognition and award benefit on Thursday, Oct. 30, at Franklin High School, starting at 6 p.m.

Cindy Lumpkin and Jacqueline Bly. -- SUBMITTED

Cindy Lumpkin and Jacqueline Bly. — SUBMITTED

The month of October is National Learning Disabilities Awareness Month.

The benefit will provide the Bly/Triumph Scholarship, co-named in honor of special education teacher, Jacqueline Bly, who taught Cindy Lumpkin, founder of Triumph In Life Inc.

Lumpkin credits Bly’s teaching methods with “changing her life by helping her overcome the effects of Dyslexia,” she said.

According to a recent editorial article in the Seattle Times, “With the right techniques and teacher help, about 60 percent of special-education students with learning disabilities can perform as well as their peers in regular education.”

The benefit will also recognize special education teachers currently teaching, and highlight the ability of students with learning differences, specifically current college student Thirsala Wiggins. Wiggins, who graduated from Southampton High School and currently attends Chowan University, will have a gallery at the event for showing.

All sales of Lumpkin’s new book, “Shame’s Prisoner, Overcoming the Academic and Emotional Effects of Learning Disabilities From a Teacher Who Experienced It,” will go toward the Bly/Triumph scholarship. Wiggins will also donate artwork to be sold for the benefit of the scholarship.

“The day I stepped into the classroom of Jacqueline Bly, my life, my learning changed forever. I can never repay her for the investment she made in my life,“ Lumpkin said. “In her honor, however, I will spend a lifetime recognizing those teachers like her who pour so much into the lives of students with learning differences, and I will highlight the abilities of those gifted young people.”

Those interested in participating please visit