Don’t be afraid of seeking help

Published 10:03 am Friday, October 10, 2014

People often say that the first step to solving a personal problem is by admitting there is a problem. Years ago, Lynnora Sumblin of Franklin did just that by seeking professional help when the long-term effects of sexual abuse eventually interfered in her life. They manifested in symptoms that were eventually diagnosed as bi-polar disorder. That’s a condition that often — if not always — can be treated through counseling and proper medication.

Now she’s not merely surviving, but actually thriving through disciplined attention to her own health — mental and otherwise. Her faith, Sumblin has stressed, has also been a large part of her personal recovery.

She wants to help other people with mental health issues and has organized a free program to talk about concerns from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today, Oct. 10, in the Ruth Camp Campbell Memorial Library on North College Drive in the city.

As Sumblin put it recently, “I want to do something. I want to give back to the community.”

But her goal is not limited to a one-day seminar, as she hopes to create a home for her organization, Ever Delighting Advocacy Center. This would be dedicated as a counseling center for people with mental illness or have endured sexual abuse or violence.

Whether anyone’s interested in learning more about bi-polar disorder, or is troubled by it (in)directly, we encourage them to attend the program today in the hopes of finding answers.

For more information about the organization, or to donate, contact Sumblin at 742-2391.