Personal care program ready to lend helping hands

Published 9:04 am Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In front from left, Cynthia Artis, Youlanda Haskins, Mayor Raystine Johnson Ashburn, Cheryl Morton, Bishop Stephen Willis and First Lady Carolyn Willis at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Helping Hands Sitter Service, which is in the Franklin Incubator. -- Stephen H. Cowles | Tidewater News

In front from left, Cynthia Artis, Youlanda Haskins, Mayor Raystine Johnson Ashburn, Cheryl Morton, Bishop Stephen Willis and First Lady Carolyn Willis at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Helping Hands Sitter Service, which is in the Franklin Incubator. — Stephen H. Cowles | Tidewater News

Helping Hands Sitter Service cut the ribbon recently to launch its in-home program of private care.

Cheryl Morton, RN and chief executive officer, said the business is doing initial assessments while waiting for licensure. Once that’s in place, then, she said, “We’ll be up and running.”

Home care licensure is anticipated by the end of October or first of November.

The personal care Helping Hands offers, Morton added, is “A cross between a home health agency and private duty service. We do a little more than a private duty nurse, but not as much as the other.”

An example is that the attendants don’t give medications to the clients.

But the employees can monitor vital signs, such as assessing blood pressure or blood sugars, take the clients to doctor appointments and activities for daily living, also called ADLs. These may include preparing meals or light housework.

All care is documented, Morton said.

Working with her are Cynthia Artis, Youlanda Haskins, Barbara Taylor, Deangela Cooper, Aneshia Williams, Troy White, Jocelyn Adams and Daphine Worrell.

During the reception after the ceremony, Artis said that Morton and she once worked together at Southampton Memorial Hospital in central supply, which was to organize and provide the equipment needed for surgeries.

“This came at a good time,” Artis said about the opportunity to work again with Morton.

Helping Hands Sitter Service is located in the Franklin Incubator at 601 Mechanic St., downtown Franklin. Call 346-8896 or visit for details.