Delegate talks issues with Rotarians

Published 9:39 am Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Franklin Rotarian Asa Johnson, left, talks with Del. Rick Morris after a recent presentation to the club. -- Stephen H. Cowles | The Tidewater News

Franklin Rotarian Asa Johnson, left, talks with Del. Rick Morris after a recent presentation to the club. — Stephen H. Cowles | The Tidewater News

FRANKLIN—Del. Rick Morris (R-64) was the recent guest speaker at the Franklin Rotary Club, and spoke on several issues facing Virginians.

The delegate told the Rotarians that he wants to see government “get out of the way of business” so that economic development can progress.

“There’s a ton of Medicaid fraud and abuse, and it’s a joke what Virginia does to try to fight it,” Morris said.

He expressed sympathy for Bob McDonnell and his family. A few weeks ago the former Virginia governor and his wife were found guilty on corruption charges.

Looking ahead to the General Assembly session in 2015, Morris said he’ll be working on more bills to make state government more efficient and transparent.

Speaking of which, he added, “I believe there must be repercussions if you knowingly and willingly violate the Freedom of Information Act. Government employees should not be exempt.”

Regarding school board budgets, Morris said, “I think whoever appropriates funds has to give a detailed accounting.”

During this past session, the delegate sponsored House Bill 1084, which requires localities to pay the attorney’s fees of people who have successfully sued to prevent unconstitutional zoning.

“We shouldn’t make our citizens pay for the government to do the right thing,” he said.

Morris also calls on people to be more engaged with government matters.

“We need people to run for office and get folks involved,” he said. “Who controls who? People over the government or the government over the people? It takes more than just a good idea to get elected. It’s a process.”