Cycling Eagles are an inspiration

Published 12:01 pm Saturday, August 16, 2014

If you’ve ever met people on a quest, then you probably know how inspired and inspiring they can be. First, they’re motivated. Second, they make definitive plans and third, they follow through to the end. The Eagle Scouts Cycling Across America team that stopped in Franklin on Thursday is an excellent example of how anyone — especially young people — can achieve ambitious goals. Sometime on Friday, several members of Troop 165 from Fredericksburg completed their 3,800-plus mile journey from California to Virginia.

Having help along the way in any expedition is welcome, and to their credit the James L. Camp Jr. Family YMCA and Boy Scout Troop 17 were genial hosts to the travelers.

The Boy Scouts we met that day impressed us with their commitment and enthusiasm. Sure, they knew they were on an adventure they might not ever get to experience again. More importantly, their behavior in that brief visit showed respect for one another and the purpose for which they ride. For in addition to personal growth, all involved want to serve as an example of how far exercise and healthy living can take a person in life. Even from coast to coast.

We think they all succeeded admirably, and hope their story serves as springboard for local Scouts and other youths to create and complete individual goals that will better their lives.