Registration set for youth football, cheerleading

Published 11:04 am Wednesday, July 30, 2014

FRANKLIN—Roster spots are available for the Franklin Mustangs, the Courtland Tide, the Holland Razorbacks, the Windsor Knights and the Boykins Bulldogs, as well as the cheerleading units to go along with them.

Now under the leadership of Greg Scott, founder and CEO of the Cover 3 Foundation, the league will have five programs: flag football for ages 6-8; midget tackle football for ages 8-10 (and 7-year-olds with 1 year experience in tackle); junior tackle football for ages 11-12; teen tackle football for ages 12-14; and cheering for ages 6-14.

“We are going to offer a program to help the young men be more knowledgeable about the game and the fundamentals, and we will start from the bottom,” Scott said. “I’m very enthused about it.”

Scott said that the league will drive home three principals to children.

“We’re going to emphasize work ethic, attitude and commitment — those are the three things that Cover 3 is all about,” he said.

Cheering costs $20, flag football $30 and tackle $40. The fees will help take care of the day-to-day operations, while a grant from the NFL Foundation will cover uniforms and pads.

Because of what it teaches young men, football is an awesome sport, Scott said.

“You learn a lot of life lessons playing football,” Scott said. “Yes, it is a rough and physical game, but the lessons you learn playing football translate to everyday life and being successful.”

Scott said that he understands that the concussion and injury debates are taking place right now in regards to football, but he said that it’s an issue peaking in all sports. Worrying about injury isn’t a way to live, Scott said.

He would hope that a parent wouldn’t keep a child out who wanted to play, as they’ll have the best equipment available for it from the NFL Foundation.

Scott added that a child can get something positive out of participating in football.

“For a child, it is good to experience something positive and being around positive leaders,” he said. “They will learn basic fundamental things that they are going to need to be successful, such as how to handle adversity and never giving up, working hard and being respectful. All of those things are going to transfer to everyday life in helping them become better men, people, fathers, everything.”

Registration will be on Saturday, Aug. 2 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Cover 3 Foundation headquarters located at 125 S. College Drive, Franklin.

Registration is also available online at

You will need to bring a report card, birth certificate and the player (who needs to be weighed). Cash and checks are accepted.

For more information, call 562-2252 or visit the above website.