Franklin Finance earns GFOA honor two years in a row

Published 11:04 am Wednesday, July 30, 2014

FRANKLIN—For the second year in a row, the Franklin Department of Finance has received a pat on the back for excellence in financial reporting.

City Manager Randy Martin and Finance Director Melissa Rollins with the plaque. -- CAIN MADDEN | TIDEWATER NEWS

City Manager Randy Martin and Finance Director Melissa Rollins with the plaque. — CAIN MADDEN | TIDEWATER NEWS

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada bases this award on the city’s comprehensive annual financial report. It is the highest form of recognition for government accounting and financial reporting.

“It was a nice pat on the back,” said City Manager Randy Martin. “I am pleased to see the staff achieve this award.”

Martin said a low percentage of communities the size of Franklin receive this award.

“That speaks well to the staff in not only the Finance Department, but also all of the departments in the city, as well as the policies set by city council,” he said. “All are involved.”

Each year, the department produces a comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30. To receive this recognition, Finance Director Melissa Rollins said, the city must comply with the highest standards for disclosure and provide pertinent trend information beyond what is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

Rollins was quick to divert the credit to others.

“The establishment of sound financial policies by city council and the continued commitment by city management and staff to be fiscally responsible are critical to excellent financial reporting,” she said. “Receiving this award for two consecutive years is a validation of this collaborative effort.

“I am appreciative of the hard work by all support staff that made this prestigious award possible.”

Rollins said that it is important to work to continue to receive this award, and Martin added that it can help the city in different ways.

“It enhances our ability to attain good financial terms when we have to borrow,” he said. “It is one indicator of a well-oiled machine.”