Americans finally waking up

Published 9:35 am Wednesday, June 18, 2014

To the Editor:

HURRAH! At last some Virginians have awaken from a deep sleep and have shown with their vote that they are fed-up with what is going on with the politicians and lobbyists in D.C. The defeat of Eric Cantor is a breath of fresh air.

The American borders need to be closed NOW! It makes me furious when I see on TV all the 90,000+ children from foreign countries, without their parents, who have been dumped on us to take care by giving them a place to live, food, medicine, education, etc. Are we crazy to continue with this type of immigration?

Millions of dollars did not help Eric Cantor to get elected. Will Bill and Hillary’s millions help elect Hillary for president when she cannot utter ONE sentence of what she has accomplished for our country. She has a lot of smiles and talk with no substance. Laying money aside, who is the person who can cut through the “big boys in D.C.” and get the ball rolling for the average American Citizen? Time will tell and time is drawing nigh.

Rachel A. Clement