Livingston, Lyons receive Medal of Valor for heroism
Published 10:48 am Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mayor Raystine Johnson-Ashburn, right, presents Franklin Police Department officers Quentin Livingston, left, and Sgt. Todd Lyons with the Medal of Valor after their heroic actions earlier this year, which saved the life of a Franklin resident. — CAIN MADDEN | TIDEWATER NEWS
FRANKLIN—Police Chief Phil Hardison gathered the family and friends of Officer Quentin Livingston and Sgt. Todd Lyons to present the two men with the Medal of Valor for their heroic actions on Feb. 26.
While out on another call on Bracey Street, the two men were told that a house down the street was on fire. What they did next earned them their honors, and Hardison also wrote to the state association of police chiefs to consider the officers for lifesaving awards.
“Both officers ran into the residence, which had thick black smoke coming out the doors and windows,” he said. “They were met with zero visibility… The officers crawled around the house and felt their way around in an effort to locate a person.”
Hardison said Livingston located the leg of a person on the couch, and he and Lyons got the woman, Magdeline Jenkins, out of the house. Once outside, they discovered she was not breathing and Livingston immediately began to resuscitate her. He was able to revive her and she was taken to Southampton Memorial Hospital. Jenkins has since made a full recovery.
Having previous knowledge of the residence, Lyons knew that a child also lived there and he went back to find the child. They later learned that the child had not yet returned home from school.
“Without regard for their own safety, they entered a burning structure for the reasons of saving human life,” Hardison said. “For their heroism, dedication and commitment, they are true public servants.”
He said there was not a member of the Franklin Police or Fire Department who would not have done the same thing.
“The difference being, this particular afternoon, it was these two officers working in close proximity of the residence,” Hardison said. “They made the deliberate decision to go in knowing that it was burning.”
“For officer Livingston and Sgt. Lyons, their actions go well beyond the words indicative of our values,” he continued. “They are committed to our organization, committed to the members of our community, and I am extremely proud to have them serve in our ranks.”
Mayor Raystine Johnson-Ashburn presented the medals to the two men, and she said Franklin deeply appreciated them.
“We want you to know just how proud we are,” she said. “We have some of the finest representing us.”
The mayor also addressed the families of the two officers.
“We understand the sacrifice and commitment that you have to go through as well,” she said. “We also thank you in sharing them with us. We do appreciate it.”