Communities come together to support good cause

Published 9:29 am Wednesday, May 21, 2014


It is gratifying when a play comes together as the case was with our local memorial day service on May 18th in Boykins. The cooperation of many groups and persons made it a success. Thanks to the town employees for sprucing up the cemetery, setting up equipment and providing printed programs and certificates for veterans. Thanks also for the support of members of GFWC Tarrara Woman’s Club, American Legion, Fire and Rescue, and Sheriff’s deputies who all played a role in the event. Thanks to our local pastors, Raymond Bunn, James Young and Michael Baugham, Blaine Britt for playing the trumpet and Jean Drewry for providing the music and assembling the community choir. Seven merchants provided items for the courtesy basket for Congressman Randy Forbes our keynote speaker, Hannah and Erica Coard distributed programs and ribbons and M&M Catering served refreshments after the program. The weather cooperated and made for an outstanding 100th celebration of remembering friends, family and veterans buried in Beechwood Cemetery. We are especially grateful to Congressman Randy Forbes for sharing his thoughts, and to his district director, Curtis Byrd. On behalf of the town of Boykins, thank you to all who continue to come back year after year to our special corner of the world — without you there would be no need for a celebration for it is in remembering that we keep our loved ones alive in our hearts. Thanks to all.

Linda Beatty, Vice Mayor