Don’t neglect this election

Published 11:07 am Saturday, May 3, 2014

Throughout the country many localities — Franklin not the least among them — will use this Tuesday for elections. On the ballot for the city’s residents will be the mayorship and candidates for three wards.

Running for mayor is incumbent Raystine Johnson-Ashburn. Over in Ward 3, Rosa Lawrence and Jamaal Whitehurst are competing with incumbent Greg McLemore. Ricky Sykes vies for the Ward 5 spot held by incumbent Mary Hilliard. Fred Rabil stands alone in his bid for Ward 6.

We’ve written enough about the candidates, allowing each an opportunity to state his or her case.

Now comes the time for you to do the responsible thing and vote. This is not a privilege for a select few. This is a right for all citizens, and therefore must not be taken for granted.