Bronco Girls soccer team loses first game

Published 11:16 am Saturday, March 29, 2014

FRANKLIN—The newly formed first-year Franklin High School Bronco girls soccer team fought hard the entire game, but ultimately went down 4-0 to the Park View High School Dragon girls team on Wednesday at the Armory Park Sports Complex.

Fullback Andrianna Leonard moves the ball. -- Frank Davis | Tidewater News

Fullback Andrianna Leonard moves the ball. — Frank Davis | Tidewater News

Head coach Christopher Gorgei had much praise for the team and expressed that they played well, and that they will continue to work hard to improve all levels of play.

The Dragons did not score their first goal until 14:05 was remaining in the first half. Laura Baird and Alyssa Drohan both scored two each for the Dragons.