Rescuer looking for new homes for his dogs
Published 9:56 am Saturday, March 22, 2014

Harry Darby sits outside in the back yard with Brooks, left, Toto and Smokey. Healthy reasons are compelling Darby to close his K9 Rescue service, and he’s looking for good homes for them. Brooks, by the way, has been adopted. — STEPHEN H. COWLES | TIDEWATER NEWS
SUFFOLK—Harry Darby’s love for man’s best friend is such that he’s been saving lost and abandoned dogs for many years. He even went so far as to establish Harry’s K9 Rescue on Leafwood Road in the southwestern portion of the city. But now the leader of the pack needs some rescuing of his own.
Health reasons, said Darby, 57, are compelling him to give up the service and find new homes for his canine pals. The Army veteran said he suffers from arthritis and a bad back.
Matters are not helped by the fact that his roommate has left and the loss of that extra income will prevent continuing to rescue dogs.
There are seven dogs which live at the home that Darby rents:
- Toto, a 5-year-old black-haired terrier mix that’s full of energy and love;
- Myra, a 4- or 5-year old pug that used to be called Butterball. “She likes to eat and is full of personality,” said Darby;
- Ling Ling, a blind Shih Tzu. Darby said that if he were to keep any, it would be her;
- Dodge, a 5-year-old yellow Labrador retriever that could do well in a family with many children
- Roxy, a 10-year-old black Lab. Darby said that she has been known to nip, but never bit hard;
- Mildred, another yellow Lab and;
- Smokey, another black Lab
All the dogs, said Darby, are current on rabies shots and have been neutered or spayed.
The interest in animals wasn’t something that he’s had his whole life. Darby said that as a child, his parents’ poodle once bit him in the face.
Not until about 16 or 17 years ago did canines really become a part of his life. They strolled in, you might say, after the daughters of his former girlfriend and another friend asked for dogs. He went searching and found some for the girls.
Sometime later, he discovered a dog roaming a garbage dump, and took him in and called him Jack.
“Neighbors asked me = to take in another dog,” said Darby. “Word got around, and then people began dropping them off.”
He said he needs to vacate the premises by April 10, but “I keep hoping for a stroke of good luck.”
Anyone interested in adopted Darby’s rescues can call him at 372-8424.