Crime reports

Published 11:01 am Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Isle of Wight County 

Sheriff’s Office



Paper service at Monument Circle, Windsor.

Destruction of property, private property, at Garrison Drive, Windsor

Destruction of property, private property, at Joyners Bridge Road, Carrsville

Dispute, verbal-domestic, at Fire Tower Road/Windsor Boulevard, Zuni


Hit and Run on Courthouse Highway, Windsor

Larceny, all others, at Walters Highway, Carrsville

Burglary, residential, at See Gar Drive, Carrsivlle

Death report, undetermined, at Hunt Club Road, Carrsville

Dispute, verbal-non domestic, at Washington Avenue, Franklin


Identity Theft, fraud at Carrsville Highway, Franklin

Suspicious situation report at Joyners Bridge Road, Carrsville


Burglary, residential, at Fire Tower Road, Zuni

Destruction of property, private property, at Five Forks Road, Windsor


Assault, simple-domestic, on Washington Road, Franklin


Animal complaint—domestic exposure, at Five Forks Road, Windsor


Weapon law violation, all others, at Walters Highway, Carrsville

Larceny, all others, at Clydes Lane, Windsor

Assault, simple-domestic, at Clydes Lane, Windsor


Driving under the influence on Walters Highway, Franklin

Paper service at Chestnut Lane, Zuni

Larceny from motor vehicle at Partridge Lane, Windsor

Burglary, residential at Bowling Green Road, Windsor


Hit and run at Josiah Parker Circle, Isle of Wight

Threaten to burn at Cox Street, Carrsville


Larceny, all others at Walters Highway, Carrsville

Larceny, all others, at Church Street, Windsor


Throw object at moving vehicle at Fire Tower Road, Windsor

Burglary, commercial at Whitley Lane, Franklin


Assault, simple-domestic at Rattlesnake Trail, Ivor


Drugs, possession, marijuana, at Firetower Road, Windsor

Larceny, from building, on Clark Circle, Zuni


Burglary, residential, at Woodland Drive, Windsor


Throw object at moving vehicle on Fire Tower Road

Burglary, residential, on Mill Swamp Road, Ivor


Larceny all others at Poor House Road, Windsor


Paper service at Monument Circle, Windsor


Drugs, marijuana, at Lake Point Drive, Windsor

Fraud, all others, at Washington Avenue, Franklin


Driving under the influence at Courthouse Highway, Windsor


Drugs, possess marijuana at Union Camp Drive, Franklin

Dispute, verbal-domestic, at Carrsville Highway, Carrsville

Assault, simple domestic, at Walters Highway, Carrsville


Annoying/harassing communications, at Monument Circle, Windsor

Drugs, possession marijuana at Dinky Circle, Windsor


Destruction of private property, Tomlin Hill Drive, Zuni


Suspicious situation, monument circle, Windsor


Fraud, trick false pretenses at Central Hill Road, Windsor


Larceny, from building, on West Blackwater Road, Zuni

Larceny, from motor vehicle, at Hunt Club Road, Carrsville


Destruction of property, public property at East Windsor Boulevard, Windsor


Drugs, possession marijuana at Windsor Boulevard, Windsor

Larceny, all others, at Lake Point Drive, Windsor

Fraud, credit card numbers use, other, at Windsor Boulevard, Zuni


Animal complaint, domestic exposure, at Poor House Road, Windsor

Fraud, credit card numbers use, other, at Monument Circle, Windsor

Burglary, residential, at Courthouse Highway, Windsor


Larceny, all others, at Woodview Lane, Windsor


Larceny, all others, at Glen Haven Drive, Carrsville


Paper service at Monument Circle, Windsor


Property found at Carrsville Highway, Carrsville

Death report, undetermined, at Ryland Lane, Carrsville

Dispute, verbal, domestic, at Caseys Circle, Windsor


Larceny, motor vehicle, at Windsor Boulevard, Zuni


Suspicious situation at Fire Tower Road, Zuni

Pursuit at Walters Highway, Carrsville


Accident with crash report at Windsor Boulevard, Zuni

Officer information at Tomlin Hill Drive, Zuni


Isle of Wight County 

Sheriff’s Office



Linkenhoker, Barbara Jean, 35, arrested on charge of paper service at Monument Circle, Windsor


Brown, Ivan Stewart, 29, See Gar Drive, Carrsville, on charges of assault and battery

Powell, Tarrel Leray, 30, Carrsville Highway, Franklin, on charges of identity fraud


Crafton, Eric Ryan, 43, Walters Highway, Carrsville, on charges of possession, transport firearms by convicted felon

Combs, Kevin Lee, 49, Clydes Lane, Windsor, on charges of assault and battery-family member


Jones, Winston Bernard, 50, arrested on charge of driving under the influence at Walters Highway, Franklin

Rickabaugh, Michael Lannom, 42, Chestnut Lane, Zuni, on charges of paper service


Holmes, Randell Deshawn, 31, Clydes Lane, Windsor, on charges of paper service


Lewis, Marshall Spencer, 58, Firetower Road, Windsor, on charges of possession of marijuana


Brown, Franklin, 58, Burwells Bay Road, Isle of Wight, on charges of driving under the influence


Jones, Michael Charles, 38, no address listed, on charges of contempt of court


Moore, Stewart, 52, Lake Point Drive, Windsor, on charges of sale/distribute marijuana

More, German Allen, 48, Lake Point Drive, Windsor, on charges of sale/distribute marijuana


Diggs, Cory Antwan, 30, Everets Road, Windsor, on charge of drinking while operating a motor vehicle


Eley, Reginald Alexander, 28, no address listed, on charges of possession of marijuana-first offense at Union Camp Drive, Franklin

Williams, Jeremiah Daniel, 31, Walters Highway, Carrsville, on charges of assault and battery, simple


Cutler Morris Wayne, 47, Four Square Road Windsor, on charges of driving under the influence


Bradshaw, Timothy Daquan, 24, W. Windsor Boulevard, Windsor, on charges of possession of marijuana


Williams, Quandrell Damone, 29, Monument Circle, Windsor, on charges of discharge of firearm in occupied building

Rawlings, Gregory D., Monument Cirlce, Windsor, on charges of driving after forfeiture of license.

Diggs, Antoine Lamonta, 33, Josiah Parker Circle, Windsor, on charges of manufacture/sale/possession of a controlled substance


Edwards, Danny Steve, 62, no address listed, Windsor, on charge of rape


Denson, Raymont Dwaine, 35, Courthouse Highway, Windsor, on charges of revocation of suspended sentence and probation

Moore, Travis Lee, 32, no address listed, Windsor, on charges of paper service


Holloman, Jermele Laron, 28, no address listed, Isle of Wight, on charges of hit and run-property damage


Edwards, Brian Anthony, 32, no address listed, Windsor, on charges of paper service


Shears, Garon Terrell, 20, no address listed, Isle of Wight, on charges of paper service


Henry, Kelley Sue, 39, no address listed, Isle of Wight, on charges of assault and battery-family member


Carpenter, James, 36, Dukes Lane, Franklin, on charges of paper service


Moore, Lanny Lee, no address listed, Isle of Wight, on charges of assault and battery-family member

Mobley, Felicia C, 37, Windsor Boulevard, Zuni, on charge of credit card theft


Southampton County 

Sheriff’s Office



Rescue call on Virginia Avenue

Domestic trouble on Thomas Street

Rescue call on Freeman Street

Assist rescue on Freeman Street

Traffic hazard on U.S. 58

Motor vehicle accident on Story Station Road

Rescue call on Pine Street

Motor vehicle accident on Blackcreek Road

Motor vehicle accident on Unity Road

Rescue call on Gray Road

Reckless drive on Colonial Street

Rescue call on Popes Station Road

Structure fire on Meherrin Road

Structure fire on Meherrin Road

Burglary on Pittman Road

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Dispute on Pittman Road

Motor vehicle accident on Monroe Street

Motor vehicle accident on Three Creeks Road

Alarm on Main Street

Alarm on Southampton Parkway

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Dispute on Pittman Road

Motor vehicle accident on Monroe Road

Motor vehicle accident on Three Creeks Road

Alarm on Main Street

Alarm on Southampton Parkway

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Rescue call on Schoolhouse Road

Reckless driver on U.S. 58

Assist motorist on Edge Hill Road

Assist motorist on U.S. 58

Assist motorist on Southampton Parkway

Check welfare on Sykes Drive


Burglary on Dogwood Bend Road

Rescue call on R&B Drive

Alarm on New Market Road

All other larceny on Darden Street

Alarm on Main Street

Assist motorist on General Thomas Highway

All other larceny on Sykes Drive

Harassing phone calls on Line Pine Road

Rescue call on Carter Street

Animal control case on New Market Road

Alarm on Main Street

Larceny on Dulelaw Road

Motor vehicle accident on Va. 628

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 460

Rescue call on R&B Drive

Rescue call on Linden Street

Rescue call on General Mahone Boulevard

Rescue call on R&B Drive

Other offenses on R&B Drive

Disturbance on Cypress Bridge Road

Trespass on George Street



Check welfare on Captain John Road

Damage to property on Deloatche Avenue

Motor vehicle accident on Meherrin Road

Assist motorist on Trinity Church Road

Domestic trouble on Riverdale Road

All other larceny on Seacock Chapel Road

Alarm on Agripark Drive

Rescue call on Seacock Chapel Road

Assault on Cypress Bridge Road

Burglary on Old Chapel Road

Alarm on New Market Road

Shots fired on Pebble Brook Drive

Disturbance on Seacock Chapel Road

Rescue call on Seacock Chapel Road

Burglary on Ridley Road



Motor vehicle accident on General Thomas Highway

Rescue call on East Main Street

Alarm on Carys Bridge Road

Rescue call on Beaton Avenue

Livestock at large on Popes Station Road

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Domestic trouble on Aurora Street

Domestic trouble on Dogwood Bend Road

Disturbance on Armory Drive

Rescue call on Virginia Avenue

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 460

Dispute on North Main Street

Domestic trouble on Dogwood Bend Road

Rescue call on Cardinal Avenue

Destruction/damage/vandalism on Southampton Parkway

Dispute on Indian Town Road

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Motor vehicle accident on Cross Keys Road

Check welfare on Medicine Springs Road



Domestic trouble on Indian Town Road

Disturbance on Kellos Mill Road

Hit and Run on Pretlow Road

Assist law enforcement on Camp Farm

Theft from motor vehicle on Sunbeam Road

Wanted/stolen indicated

Motor vehicle accident on Pretlow Road

Domestic trouble on Cypress Bridge Road



Rescue call on Oak Trail

Motor vehicle accident on Broadwater Road

Animal control case at Southampton Memorial Hospital

Rescue call on Meherrin Road

Be on the lookout for wanted subject

Trespass on Proctors Bridge Road

All other larceny on East Thomas Street

Spotlighting on Kindred Road

Welfare check on Delaware Road

Prowler on Edgehill Drive

Alarm on Nemeth Drive

Burglary on Delaware Road



Motor vehicle accident on Camp Parkway

Larceny on East Darden Street

Rescue Call on Burt Reed Road

Disturbance on Pittman Road

Rescue call on Ivor Road

Security check on Edgehill Drive

Wrecker needed on Route 58

Assist motorist at Broadwater Road

Check welfare on U.S. 58

Animal carcass on Joyner Bridge Boat Landing

Disturbance on Southampton Parkway

Motor vehicle accident on Camp Parkway

Shots fired on Ridley Road

Alarm on Country Club Road

Rescue call on Moreland Street

Rescue call in Boykins

Rescue call on General Mahone Boulevard

Trespass on Cypress Bridge Road

Alarm on Adams Grove Road

Domestic Trouble on Sykes Drive

Security check on Southampton Parkway



Animal carcass on Va. 671

Motor vehicle accident on Va. 671

Rescue call on Smiths Ferry Road

Security check on Southampton Parkway

Reckless Drive on Southampton Parkway

Motor vehicle accident on Sycamore Church

Information on Old Hickory Road

Alarm on Oak Trail

Check Welfare on River Road

Reckless driver on Southampton Parkway

All other larceny on Main Street

Burglary on Wakefield Road

Rescue call on Covington

Rescue call on Administration Center Drive

Trespassing on George Street

All other larceny on Pinecrest Drive

Rescue call on Pulley Drive

Rescue call on Main Street

Alarm on Nemeth Drive

Rescue call on Nemeth Drive

Burglary on Martin Street

Rescue call on Johnsons Mill Road

Rescue call on Smiths Ferry Road



Assist motorist on Jerusalem Road

Alarm on Smiths Ferry Road

Motor vehicle accident on General Thomas Highway

Motor vehicle accident on Rochelle Swamp

Assist motorist on U.S. 58

Rescue call on Unity road

Assist rescue on Unity Road

Assist motorist on Statesville

Rescue call on Buckhorn Quarter Road

Reckless driver on U.S. 258

Check welfare on Smiths Ferry Road

Motor vehicle accident on South Quay Road

Shots fired on Old Lamb Road

Brush/woods fire on Old Plank Road

Alarm on Indian Woods Trail

All other larceny on Hanging Tree Road

Civil dispute on Southampton Parkway

Alarm on North Main Street

Domestic trouble on Doles Road



Assist motorist on Black Creek Road

Recover stolen vehicle on Va. 189

Rescue call on Old Belfield Road

Stalking on Main Street

Rescue call on Ivor Road

Disturbance on Smiths Ferry Road

Vehicle pursuit on Va. 671

Rescue call on Va. 671

Motor vehicle accident on Governor Darden Road

Domestic trouble on Doles Road

Rescue call on Sedley Road

Traffic Hazard on One Mile Road

Alarm on Ivor Road

Animal control case on Joyners Bridge Road

Check welfare on Turner Road

Prowler on Oak Trail



Animal control case on Kellos Mill Road

Motor vehicle accident on Southampton Parkway

Traffic Hazard on Pretlow Road

Rescue call on Oak Trail

Alarm on Seacock Chapel Road

Trespass on Delaware Road

Rescue call on Wakefield Road

All other larceny on Black Creek Road

Civil dispute on Black Creek Road

Rescue call on Rose Valley Road

Rescue call on Unity Road

Rescue call on Church Street

Prisoner in custody

Motor vehicle accident on Flaggy Run Road

Assist motorist on Southampton Parkway

Other offenses on General Thomas Highway

Disturbance on Thomas Street

Rescue call on Broadwater Road

Noise complaint on Unity Road

Disturbance on Hanging Tree Road

Motor vehicle accident on Old Belfield Road



Disturbance on Hanging Tree Road

Alarm on Old Church Road

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 460

Check welfare on Linden Street

Alarm on Glyndon Street

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Alarm on Glyndon Street



Assist law enforcement on Kangaroo Lane, Franklin

Alarm on Johnsons Mill road

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Alarm on Oberry Church Road

Rescue call on Pretlow Road

Destruction/damage/vandalism on Southampton Parkway

All other larceny on Martin Street

Rescue call on Plank Road

Domestic trouble on Main Street

Traffic hazard on Va. 671

Reckless drive on Meherrin Road

Assist law enforcement on Halifax Street

Trespass on Meherrin Road

Animal control case on Pittman Road

Rescue call on West Main Street

Structure fire on Cobb Road

Motor vehicle accident on Deer Trail Drive



Disturbance on Askew Street

Burglary on Southampton Parkway

Motor vehicle accident on Jerusalem Road

Motor vehicle accident on General thomas highway

Animal control case on One Mile Road

Burglary on Southampton Parkway

Destruction/damage/vandalism on Old Belfield Road

Alarm on Broadwater Road

Investigate suspicious vehicle on Va. 671

Domestic trouble on Vicksville Road

Assist motorist on Southampton Parkway

Rescue call on Southampton Parkway

Attempted identity theft on Sedley Road

Domestic trouble on Pittman Road

Motor vehicle accident on Everett Drive

Information on Main Street

Reckless Driver on U.S. 58

Domestic trouble on Harris Road

Investigate suspicious vehicle on Warrique


Rescue call on Smiles Drive

Motor vehicle accident on East Circle

Disturbance on Pulley Drive

Information on Sycamore Church Road

Rescue call on Tennessee Road

Structure fire on Pine Level Road

Trespass on Pulley Drive

Motor vehicle accident on Main Street

Rescue call on Main Street

Rescue call on Camp Parkway

Reckless drive on U.S. 58

Alarm on Charles Street

Vehicle fire on Old Belfield Road

Rescue call on Plank Road

Wanted stolen indicated

Disturbance on Pittman Road

Animal control case on Bethel Road

Reckless driver on U.S. 460

Noise complaint on Kellos Mill Road



Welfare check on Johnsons Mill Road

Alarm on Johnsons Mill Road

Motor vehicle accident on Old Church Road

Meter tampering on Wombles Mill Road

Drugs/ narcotics violation on U.S. 58

Destruction/damage/vandalism on Southampton Parkway

Investigate suspicious vehicle on Gene Circle

Trespass on Bruce Street

Rescue call on Southampton Parkway

Wrecker needed on U.S. 58

Prowler on Shands Drive

Motor vehicle accident on Sedley Road

Meter tampering on Wombles Mill Road

Drugs/narcotics violation

Domestic trouble on Oak Trail



Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Wrecker needed on U.S. 58

Rescue call on Meadow Street

Assist law enforcement on South Main Street

Structure fire on Seacock Chapel Road

Rescue call on Whitehead Road

Structure fire on Three Bees Road

Vehicle fire on Va. 308

Vehicle fire on Southampton Parkway

Assist fire department on Southampton Parkway

Intimidation on Storys Station Road

Check Welfare on Cabin Pond Lane

Wanted/stolen indicated on U.S. 460

Identity theft on Main Street

Assist motorist on Storys Station

Domestic trouble on Pond Branch Road

Rescue call on Camp Parkway

Security check at Ivor Furniture

Vandalism on Edgehill Drive

Rescue call on East Street

Domestic trouble on Beaton Road



Assault on Delaware Road

Check welfare on Main Street

Motor vehicle accident on Va. 671

Rescue call on South Main Street

Assist motorist on Va. 35

Animal control case on Appleton Road

Disturbance on Charles Street

Rescue call on Beaton Avenue

Reckless driver on U.S. 58

Rescue call on Main Street

Disturbance on Cabin Pond Lane

Motor vehicle accident on Smiths Ferry Road

Animal control case on Edgehill Drive

Motor vehicle accident on Smiths Ferry Road

Rescue call on Page Street

Reckless Driver on Courtland Boulevard

Domestic trouble on Martin Drive

Welfare check on Story Drive

Domestic trouble on Glyndon Street

Assist motorist on General Thomas Highway



Noise complaint on South Railroad Avenue

Rescue call on Old Belfield Road

Rescue call on Warren Quarter

Stolen vehicle on East Darden Street

Domestic trouble on Doles Road

Rescue call on Popes Station Road

Rescue call on Barhams Hill Road

Wrecker needed on U.S. 58

Motor vehicle accident on Cross Keys

Security check on Edgehill Drive

Structure fire on North Main Street

Wrecker needed on Porter House Road

Animal control case on Pinecrest Drive

Disturbance on Oak Avenue

Motor vehicle accident on U.S. 58

Rescue call on Bruce Street

Dead on arrival on Bruce Street



Alarm on Rose Valley Road

Game commission call on Harvest Drive

Rescue call on Millcreck Drive

Rescue call on Brookside Drive

All other larceny on Appleton Road

Alarm on Broadwater Road

Attempted larceny on Black Creek Road

Rescue call on Burt Reed Road

Assist motorist on Ivor Road

Burglary on Wakefield Road

Investigate suspicious vehicle on Virginia Avenue

Intimidation on Old Belfield Road

Domestic trouble on Carter Street

Alarm on Wakefield Road

Rescue call on Southampton Parkway

Structure fire on Green Plains

Wrecker needed on Southampton Parkway

Disturbance on Bryants Church Road

Traffic Hazard on U.S. 58