Youths, families in crisis can find a second chance

Published 10:35 am Wednesday, November 6, 2013

FRANKLIN—Just as adults sometimes need new opportunities to get on the right track in life, so too do children and young adults. That’s where Second Chances Youth Services at the Franklin Incubator can help. The staff of counselors and related professionals works with children as young as five or six years old.

Second Chances can directly address issues such as anger management, depression, mental illness or substance abuse that can disrupt not only young lives, but also other members of their families.

But rather than taking children away from their homes to deal with such concerns, the service offers intensive in-house treatment, said Debbie Duck, administrative assistant at the Franklin site.

The belief is that “keeping the family unit together,” is important to all concerned when faced with a crisis or other matter.

“We’re helping them help themselves,” said Duck.

Second Chances was started in 2008 by Damion and Tanikka Mason in Petersburg, and has an office in Hampton, as well as Franklin.

Before counseling or another service can begin, Duck said, a comprehensive assessment of the client’s needs is made first before addressing them.

In addition to individual or family counseling, the Second Chances staff is also trained in educating parents, improving communication skills and behavior modification. The service can also help young adults ranging from 18 to 21 years of age who are battling depression or need life skills, such as looking for work or housing.

“What we encounter a lot,” Duck said, “are people asking ‘How am I going to make it day to day?”

To learn more about Second Chances, call 569-3895 or visit