Chamber of Commerce invites Richard Flint to speak at PDCCC Workforce Center

Published 4:56 pm Tuesday, October 8, 2013

FRANKLIN—A man who has spent 33 years “crusading” to help people improve their lives is going to speak in Franklin on Thursday, Oct. 10.

Richard Flint, a motivational speaker to corporations, large and small businesses and individuals, is coming to Franklin to help companies and people learn their “Power to Be,” which helps them have or do anything they want.

“What I am going to talk about is the subject of bouncing back,” said Flint, who is out of Newport News. “The program is about the fact that in this life that you and I have, there is never a straight line.

“There are ups and downs, curves, valleys, pot holes and all of those things that tend to pull us out of sync.”

When you are out of sync, you’re inclined to do things differently — you react rather than respond.

“When you are reacting, you are living from the emotions,” Flint said. “You tend to let fear, doubt, worry and uncertainty control your decision process.”

In a world where you are responding, however, you are living from the mind down.

“You let your mind give you a sense of calmness,” he said. “A sense of clarity. A sense of confidence.”

As Flint has traveled the U.S. and all over the world over the past five to six years, he has discovered

“What happens when life pulls the rug out from under you?” Flint asked. “What do we do? How do we come back? How do we learn or reestablish the trust we have in ourselves? It is not easy for people. As we get older, we become more resistant to change.

“It confronts our comfortable routines. In a business, a comfortable routine becomes a death trap.”

Flint said if you get too comfortable in your business routine, it makes yesterday’s practices your “only room.”

“Yesterday is a reference library, not a room to live in,” Flint said. “When living in yesterday, it destroys your sense of adventure.

“When it comes to living, you have two choices: to stay the same or go forward.”

Flint said that unfortunately, if he were to talk to 10 people, he would find that eight of them are designed to stay exactly the same.

“We are going to talk about how to turn change into improvement,” he said. “What are the steps you have to go through to keep yourself constantly seeking adventure. And when life knocks you down, what do you have to do to pick yourself up?”

Teresa Beale, executive director of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, which is putting this event on, said that she expects the event to double last year’s presentation.

“I’m just thrilled that he is coming to speak to our business community,” she said. “I think it is going to be very valuable information that people will be able to take back with them and put in their lives.”

Bobby Cutchins, Chamber of Commerce president, is responsible for bringing the speaker here. Cutchins said Flint is a big deal, having helped with big businesses including McDonald’s, Caterpillar and DuPont.

Cutchins, who had gotten him to speak recently at the Virginia Automotive Association, said he asked Flint if he’d come to Franklin, but knowing the price, he knew Franklin couldn’t afford him.

“He said to me, ‘Bobby, everything in life is not about money. Call me, and we’ll talk,’” Cutchins said. He did so, and now Flint is coming to Franklin.

“I feel this is a great opportunity for people,” Cutchins continued. “He is a powerhouse speaker. If you don’t come, you are missing out, as he can make a difference for sure — he has in my life.”

Cutchins said Flint is his career coach.

“He helps you be more positive,” he said. “His drive is to help you be positive, and to get beyond the negatives of your life.

“He is the kind of person who helps you live the life you are designed to live. He speaks to about a quarter of a million people, and his enthusiasm makes him pop.”

Beale said she has also invited some high school students to come in, and she said that this experience would be valuable for them.

The event is from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Regional Workforce Development Center at Paul D. Camp Community College. There will not be any tickets at the door, so you have to call the chamber in advance at 562-4900. Tickets are $25 for chamber members, and $35 for non-members.

“If you are in a time in your life, where you find yourself constantly tired, lacking creativity, tending to procrastinate, finding yourself overwhelmed, or you just don’t have the energy to do what you need to do,” Flint said, “you need to come be a part of this program.”