Local man completes training academy for deputies

Published 11:21 am Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sidney Moore/contributing writer

Linwood G. Greene, 67, holds his certificate from the Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy. --  SIDNEY MOORE/CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Linwood G. Greene, 67, holds his certificate from the Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy. — SIDNEY MOORE/CONTRIBUTING WRITER

COURTLAND—Linwood Greene, 67, one of Southampton County’s very own, has finished his certification training to be a sheriff’s deputy. The 76th Basic Jailor graduation for Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy took place at Virginia State University in Petersburg last Friday afternoon. Two others from Southampton County graduated along side of him, Thomas Clasp and Aviva Artis, who was appointed class chaplain and performed the invocation.

The course is mandated for all sheriffs, jailors and deputies alike. Depending on what specific duties one has, the course could range from 10 weeks to 20 weeks.

Greene is a retired colonel with the Army and the oldest graduate in his class at 67 years of age. The closest in age to him was a 43 year old, and the youngest was a 20 year old.

Greene graduated the program to become a courtroom security officer and a bailiff process server, whose job is to provide security for the courtroom and keep the order as well.

The class was far from a walk in the park for him. The 76th class at Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy began with 30 participants. After 10 weeks that number was whittled down to 26.

One of the hardest parts of the training was the testing they had to take. They had to score 100 percent on each and every one of them.

“They give you three chances to pass it, but after that, you’re dismissed,” said Greene about the test policy. “It was sink or swim.”

The only section with a bit of leeway was the pistol range. Only 70 percent accuracy was needed to pass.

“That was the most fun and easiest part for me,” said he. “I’ve been shooting for over 50 years maybe. So, the range was no problem.”

Not only do the jailors receive the 10-week training course, they must take an in service class yearly.

“It’s really regulated now,” said Greene. “You have to maintain your certification. It’s become a profession.”

With an array of classes ranging from professional ethics, constitutional law and the fourth amendment to criminal and civil liability, the new law enforcement officer is better educated and trained.

They must not only possess the ability to make an arrest, but also have the knowledge of the legal procedures leading up to it.

More than 20 classes were crammed into the Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy Basic Jailor curriculum.

When asked if he was willing to go through the grueling process all over again, Greene shook his head and chuckled as he said, “Nope. One time is enough for anybody.”