Hunter unhappy with republican leadership

Published 9:21 am Friday, June 14, 2013

To the Editor:

As Administrator of “Legalize Virginia Sunday Hunting for All” on Facebook, I participate in the daily discussion about the Republican “leadership” under Speaker of the House Howell (R – Stafford Fredericksburg). Speaker Howell’s lack of involvement in striking the last religious blue law is snubbing a core constituency for Republicans. Gun owning, religious/private property rights supporting, conservative, 2nd amendment vigilant hunters are tired of having Republicans turn a blind eye to their plight. Many hunters during the past Democratic primary week say that never before have they supported a Democrat Candidate, let alone voted in the Democrat Primary, until now. Republicans have taken hunters for granted; we are now open to supporting those who support what is perceived as not just a sporting hobby but a disappearing way of life.

Convoluted/unequal hunting laws allow some to hunt on Sunday while telling still hunters to leave their bow and gun in the closet. Regulations have become clear as mud over the hundreds of years since the King of England said “Church on Sunday or wooden stocks”.

The confusing Sunday hunting regulations warrant their own paragraph. The new regulation might say: “Sunday still hunting is illegal; The following may be hunted, chased, trapped or killed on Sunday: raccoons, fox, quail, bear, beaver, bobcat, coyote, fox, mink, muskrat, chukar, nutria, opossum, otter, rabbit, skunk and weasel.” House Republicans should be aware of that last one.

Matthew O’Brien