Boy Scout Troop 17 celebrates 100 years
Published 10:37 am Wednesday, June 12, 2013
FRANKLIN—Boy Scout Troop 17 celebrated its 100th anniversary this past weekend, with a gala dinner Friday night, an overnight campout, a dedication of a new scout shack Saturday and church services Sunday.

Scout leaders David Benton, left, and Tom Jones IV show the official plaque dedicating the new Troop 17 Scout Shack at Saturday’s ceremony. It states the building is dedicated to the future of Scouting, the community and the values to which scouts are committed. — DON BRIDGERS/TIDEWATER NEWS
The Friday night event drew many past and present members and leaders of the troop to the PDCCC Workforce Development Center.
High Street United Methodist Church, which has sponsored the troop continuously for the entire 100 years, hosted the scouts Saturday for the new shack dedication. Current scout members of Troop 17 were on hand to handle ceremonial details, as family, friends and past scouts looked on. The building is located on the grounds of the church and during Saturday’s ceremony, an official plaque was unveiled dedicating the facility to future scouts and to the community.
Also retired Judge Westbrook Parker, on behalf of the various local foundations which were instrumental in funding the cost of the new building, presented a special plaque of dedication to Tom Jones, IV, who has long been involved with the troop, first as a member and then as a scoutmaster. He was instrumental in obtaining historical records involved with the anniversary celebration and in planning the weekend event.
Jones was also recognized Friday night with a Distinguished Service Award, presented by Troop 17 for his service as Scoutmaster from 1980 until 2011 and was presented a retired Troop 17 flag, which will hang on the wall of the new Scout Shack.
Troop Committee Chairman David Benton was presented the Unit Leader Award by the Colonial Virginia Council, BSA, for leadership of Troop 17.