Best wishes to all graduates

Published 11:30 am Saturday, June 1, 2013

It’s June and that means young men and women throughout the Tidewater area will be graduating from high school. This is a big step in the journey, as these students complete one phase of their life.

As they go forth to universities, community colleges, training schools or into the work force, graduation from high school is a big stepping stone. These young people are leaving behind childhood and are transitioning into adulthood. Decisions will take on new meaning and the time for depending on Mom and Dad to make those decisions comes to an end.

We wish these young people well. As they embark on this journey, we hope they will take with them the values instilled into them by their teachers, coaches and mentors; as well as their parents, pastors and civic leaders. We hope they will take with them lessons learned in the classroom, in scouts, in sports and in extracurricular activities.

Going forth into the unknown is scary and daunting, but being raised in such nurturing communities as found throughout Franklin, Southampton and Isle of Wight, they will do fine. These young people are our future and hopefully they will continue to grow and give back to this area when they finish their path of education. Good luck to all graduates of the Class of 2013. We have faith in you and look forward to watching your future achievements and successes.