No tax hikes in store for Windsor
Published 10:27 am Friday, May 17, 2013
WINDSOR—No recommended tax increase, no use of the fund balance, a balanced budget and no new programs or initiatives are the highlights for Windsor’s proposed $1.55 million operating budget next fiscal year.
The public can comment on this and the included five-year capital improvement plan beginning 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 28, in council chambers, 8 E. Windsor Blvd.
During this past Tuesday’s meeting, Town Manager Michael Stallings reviewed details with council members:
General fund revenues total $1,556,933, and come from local taxes ($709,000); property taxes ($282,725); licenses ($150,000); fines ($134,000); state revenues ($114,189); federal government revenues ($58,569); miscellaneous ($90,450); and rents ($18,000).
General fund expenses total $1,556,933, and go toward the police ($496,715); general management ($298,080); capital projects ($269,000); public works and property maintenance ($150,800); non-departmental ($99,688); planning ($74,400); refuse collection ($73,500); legal ($37,250); legislative ($34,250); economic development ($10,550); fire department/rescue squad ($7,200); and cultural events ($5,500).
Water fund revenues total $483,000, which includes $435,000 in water sales; $45,000 in tap, connection and other fees; and $3,000 in interest earned. The revenue projection of this fiscal year was $444,000.
Stallings noted that water sales have been “fairly consistent,” and that revenue collection is slightly above fiscal year 2012-13.
Water fund expenses total $483,000, and go toward operating and maintenance ($307,830); debt service ($98,000); depreciation ($72,170); and capital ($5,000). This, he added, is an increase of $39,000 over 2012-13’s budget.
“Accounting standards for enterprise operations require us to fully fund depreciation,” Stallings said.
As an example of the depreciation portion, he told The Tidewater News that if 100 feet of water pipe were installed and had a 30-year lifespan, the fund is a way of putting aside money to replace it when the time comes.
The Capital Improvement Plan, he stressed, is “not a wish list,” but is prudent and doable, and has the Planning Commission’s approval.
Public access to the budget is available online at, and listed under Documents and Downloads. Other venues include town hall, the library, Citizens National Bank, Farmers Bank and Windsor Pharmacy.
In other council business:
n Del. Rick Morris, R-Carrollton, presented during the meeting a General Assembly resolution commending Windsor Mayor Rita Richardson. In October, she received the Citizen Planner Award from the Citizens Planning Education Association of Virginia, also known as PlanVirginia. Windsor was one of only two localities in the Commonwealth to be recognized, Richardson said, adding that she was nominated by the town’s Planning Commission. “This was because of our planning for the future and beautifying the town, the business district in particular, and for planning for connectibility with a network of sidewalks,” she said. During Morris’ presentation, the mayor said she wasn’t deserving of the honor by herself, and thanked council, planning and the staff. “We’re on the right road to being prepared for growth whenever it comes,” Richardson said.