Chimney inspections encouraged

Published 8:39 am Friday, January 25, 2013

A Sedley husband and wife lost their home to a fire on Wednesday. A fire that started in the chimney seems to be the culprit.

According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America, an estimated 105,100 fireplace or chimney fires killed 50 people and did $500 million damage between 2005 and 2008. A cleaner flue, poor flue linings and cracks in the brick work are leading causes for such fires.

Getting your chimneys and flues professionally swept, and burning seasoned-wood can cut reduce the risk of fires.

We ask that you get your chimney swept at least once a year and have the brickwork inspected, particularly in the roof space where embers can escape and trigger a blaze.

No one wants to be left in the cold.