Southampton schools budget to be introduced

Published 9:57 am Friday, January 18, 2013

COURTLAND—Southampton County School Superintendent Dr. Alvera Parrish will introduce the 2013-14 budget during a 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24, meeting in the Wigwam at Southampton Technical Career Center.

Director of Finance Joy Carr continues to work on the numbers and did not have a total for Monday’s school board meeting. Carr expects the district to receive $57,774 less than last year from the state.

Carr noted that Gov. Bob McDonnell also has proposed providing Southampton schools with $161,869 to help pay for 2 percent raises for teachers, principals, guidance counselors, instructional aides and librarians. The county would have to provide $75,000, she said.

Changes made to the Virginia Retirement System in 2012 also will require the school district to pass on additional 1 percent raises to cover the employees’ increased contributions.

The board during its Monday meeting also:

• Approved Southampton High School Key Club trips to the District Convention in Baltimore from May 8 to 10 and the Key Leader Weekend in Jamestown from April 19-21. Sponsor Shellie McHenry will take 24 students to the convention to compete against other schools.

• Hired Benita Darden and Ann Davis to drive special needs students and Rebecca Belter to teach fifth grade at Capron Elementary School.

• Accepted resignations from high school math teacher Stephanie Muir, who had been with the school district for 11 years, and custodian/bus driver John Smith.

• Accepted a retirement from Meherrin Elementary School librarian Jean Mattox.

• Learned the high school had the best student attendance in December with a 95.6 percent rate and Nottoway Elementary had the best teacher attendance rate at 95.3 percent.

• Learned Nottoway Students of the Month for December were pre-kindergartners Anthony Miggins and Amariyana Williams, kindergartners Chyanne Joyner and Dalton Truitt, first-graders Ralph Anderson and ShaVaria Hilliard, second-graders Brandon Barmer and Wyatt Jones, third-graders Mason Starkweather and Joe Clarke, fourth-graders Charity Bryant and Hayleigh Cook, and fifth-graders Austin Overstreet and Brant Sraver.

• Learned Standards of Learning tests will be given to Southampton High and Middle school students through Friday, Jan. 25.

• Learned the National Center for Educational Statistics has chosen to test Nottoway Elementary School fourth-graders in reading and math on Feb. 5. The agency administers the largest nationally representative assessment of students.

• Learned the Teacher of the Year luncheon will be held 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, in the Wigwam.

• Learned Karitta Page was named the middle school teacher of the year.