Wofford installed at White Oak Spring
Published 10:36 am Monday, January 14, 2013

Deacon Alvin Lee Sr., right, chairman of the White Oak Springs Diaconate Board, presents the key to the church to the Rev. Melvin Wofford during his installation as pastor on Sunday. FRANK A. DAVIS/TIDEWATER NEWS
FRANKLIN—The Rev. Melvin Wofford on Sunday was installed as the pastor for White Oak Spring Missionary Baptist Church.
The Rev. Dr. Anthony Copeland, pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church of Suffolk, delivered the message for the service, which was the final of a series of services held during the week.
A native of Suffolk and a graduate of Lakeland High School, Wofford is continuing his post secondary education with Norfolk Seminary College of Theology.
He is married to the former Sharlay Warren of Franklin. They are raising Shailyn, DaJour, Markail and Skylar.