$1,000 raised from sale

Published 11:56 am Friday, December 7, 2012

Brooke Adams raised a little more than $1,000 during a Saturday estate sale at the Zuni home of her mother, Kim Cobb, who died unexpectedly on July 25 from pneumonia and a lung aneurysm.

Brooke, 29, held the sale in an attempt to keep her mother’s home from going into foreclosure. Kim, 54, left the Mill Creek Drive home to her daughter, which includes $1,147 monthly mortgage payments.

Brooke’s father, Bill Cobb of Portsmouth, uncle Ronnie Cobb of Franklin and grandfather, and the late Raby Cobb, built the home. Bill and Kim Cobb were divorced.

The sale included Kim’s bedroom set, recliners, electronics, treadmill, guitar, cookware, shoes, clothes and more.

“We still have a ton of items left over,” Brooke said. “If you know anyone who wishes to buy some items, just let me know. I will make arrangements for people to look at them.”

She said about 25 people came to the estate sale.

“I am so touched as to how many people just came and gave us money for the cause of saving the house,” Brooke said. “I think I cried constantly off and on that day (tears of joy) for all the help we received.”

She thanked the Miller and Delusignan families of Zuni and her own family for their help.

Brooke can be reached at badams@gatewayhealth.com.

• Nansemond-Suffolk Academy juniors Natale Carollo, John Hogan and Ben Wilson were selected to attend the highly competitive Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars program.

VASTS is an interactive on-line science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning experience, highlighted by a six-day residential summer academy at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton. Students selected are immersed in NASA-related research through interaction with scientists, engineers and technologists.

The program is a partnership between the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and NASA Langley Research Center with assistance from the Virginia Department of Education.

In other news from NSA, freshmen Michael Luzzatto and Zie Medrano, sophomore Andrew Richey-Yowell and senior Tyler Richey-Yowell participated in the Virginia Junior Classical League Convention. These Latin students brought home seven awards.

The students were sponsored by Upper School Latin teacher Darby Berg.

Students joined 2,000 others in contests and had a toga banquet with dancing and karaoke.

GWEN ALBERS is managing editor of The Tidewater News. Her email address is gwen.albers@tidewaternews.com.