Thankful for fee deadline extension

Published 9:58 am Wednesday, December 5, 2012

To the Editor:

In response to your article, (“Who had burden?” Nov. 28) I spent from June 9, 2012, through Aug. 24, 2012, in the hospital hanging on to life by a thread, according to the attending physician.

Under normal times I am well informed through The Pilot, The Tidewater News, the local and national news on television.

Believe me the local issues was the least of my worries while hospitalized.

My caregivers and family had no reason to discuss local issues with me at this time. I am thankful that enough of our supervisors agreed to extend the time to apply for and better inform us of the possibility of an exemption.

I would reconsider my subscription to your paper, but I decided against it. God forbid I miss one of your editorials referring to your readers as ignorant.

Is it ignorant of me to subscribe to your paper?

Reginald Bradshaw