PC Cargile wins Nook at Expo
Published 11:36 am Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wawijah Jones, left, buys a bowl of chili from Mary Barraclough, owner of Mary's Cafe in Newsoms, at the 2012 Chamber Business Expo at Paul D. Camp Community College on Thursday. ANDREW FAISON/TIDEWATER NEWS
During Thursday’s Franklin-Southampton Area Chamber of Commerce Community Expo 2012, PC Cargile went home with the grand prize.
The Franklin computer and networking firm won a NOOK donated by presenting sponsor, Charter Business.
Attended by 500 to 600 at the Paul D. Camp Community College Regional Workforce Development Center, the event presented vendor awards to:
• Mike Duman Chevrolet, Buick, GMC for Most Creative
• Farm Fresh for Most Informative Booth
• South of the James Business Network for Most Interactive
• Blackwater Outfitters/Nottoway River Guides for Best Use of Space
“This year’s Expo was one of the best to date as we blended traditional favorites with a few new twists to give vendors and visitors a tremendous experience,” said Chamber President Michael Clark. “Expo is a wonderful event for our community to discover the products made, sold and serviced in Franklin-Southampton County”