Flag dedicated on Veterans Day
Published 1:03 pm Monday, November 19, 2012

Participating in a Veterans Day ceremony at Sycamore Baptist Church were, in front from left, Calvin Burgess, Virginia Vick, Onita Moore, Patsy Falls, Katherine Earley, Mary Butler and Sheri Anderson; middle, Bill Witt, Lemuel Brown, Brenda Lowry, Nancy Johnson, Jean Cannon, Linda Behnken, Wanda Cotton, Sheila Johnstone, Bobby Butler, Pat Crump, Roger Crump and Bill Earley; and in back, Sam Moon, Nancy Moon, Edward Johnson, Bob Edwards, Wayne Cutchins, Ken Behnken, Ron Wiley, E. B. Knight, Elaine Wiley, Ronnie Bulls, Wayne Gyoker, Teresa Gresham, Wayne Anderson, Betty Sue Young, Blaine Britt, Walter Young and Susan Spivey. -- SUBMITTED
FRANKLIN—Woodmen of the World Lodge No. 18 on Nov. 11 dedicated a flag and flagpole at Sycamore Baptist Church in honor of veterans.
Members of the church and lodge participating received hand-held flags.