Official corrects inaccuracies on Hayden School project

Published 11:37 am Saturday, November 10, 2012

To the Editor:

Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia would like to correct inaccuracies in the “Stop Hayden from being knocked down” Your Turn column by Thomas Councill, which ran on Nov. 7.

They are as follows:

* Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia does not plan to demolish the building or to build a club, gas station or other business.

We are solely committed to developing the property into a mixed-use historical facility (“Public hearing for Hayden,” Oct. 27).

This has always been our aim — to build a project that will be a source of pride and inspiration to the entire community. We have never considered nor have any plans to demolish the building, or abandon the project.

* Mr. (Barry) Cheatham was appointed to our board two years after the agreement was executed.

Mr. Cheatham neither runs Senior Services nor owns the land.

The sales contract does not require us to improve the building within seven years, but requires the usual construction/demolition bond.

* Finally, the article states we do “not have enough money to do the project.” This is correct.

We do not have enough money in our accounts to write a check for this project.

However, based upon the overall pro forma, several lenders are willing to finance the project.

We are working with our attorneys, accountants and consultants to complete the financing package for this project.

The funding of this project is contingent upon final approval of the rezoning application.

Debbie Schwartz
Director of development and community relations
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia