Western Tidewater picks Allen, Forbes

Published 10:27 am Wednesday, November 7, 2012

FRANKLIN—Western Tidewater voters during Tuesday’s General Election chose Republican George Allen over Democrat Tim Kaine for the U.S. Senate.

Both former governors, Allen and Kaine were running for the seat held by Democratic Sen. Jim Webb. With 90 percent of the vote in from across Virginia, Kaine led with 51 percent of the vote.

In Franklin, Kaine led Allen 2,649 to 1,451. In Southampton County, Allen received 4,626 votes to Kaine’s 4,440. In Isle of Wight County, Allen led 11,639 to Kaine’s 8,854 votes.

Republican incumbent Randy Forbes defeated Chesapeake Councilwoman Ella Ward 20,062 to 13,130 in Western Tidewater. With 96 percent of the vote in, Forbes led with 58 percent of the vote.

Isle of Wight voters chose Forbes over Ward, a Democrat, 12,924 to 7407.

Franklin went with Ward 2,204 to 1,829 for Forbes.

In Southampton County, voters gave Forbes 5,309 votes and Ward 3,519.