Registrar reminds citizens of Election Day rules

Published 11:27 am Friday, November 2, 2012


FRANKLIN—If you’re still campaigning for your candidate or ballot issue come Tuesday, Nov. 6, the number to keep in mind that day is 40.

Whether you’re a campaign worker or candidate, you must stay at least 40 feet from any entrance to where a poll is located on Election Day in Virginia.

Franklin Registrar Jennifer Maynard shared other Virginia State Board of Election guidelines for campaigners and candidates stationed outside the polling place.

  • There’s no limit to the number of campaigners allowed outside the polling place.
  • You cannot hinder or delay a person from entering or exiting a polling place.
  • Loudspeakers can’t be used within 300 feet of any polling place
  • Campaign material, including sample ballots, must be distributed outside the polling place, must contain a statement showing who paid for or authorized the printing
  • Campaign posters or signs can’t be posted inside the prohibited area or polling place.
  • Samples of any ballot can’t be printed on white or yellow paper and must contain the words “Sample Ballot.”

Authorized representatives inside the polling place:

  • Must be a qualified Virginia voter
  • Must show to the chief officer of election a “letter of authorization” signed by the independent or primary candidate or party chair entitled to representation if list of reps are not previously provided. A copy of the signed letter of authorization is acceptable.
  • No campaigning is permitted by anyone inside the polling place without electoral board exception.
  • Cannot hinder or delay any officer of election or voter.
  • Can’t site at the check-in table with an officer of election.
  • May create and mark their own list of voters.
  • Cannot help any voter.
  • Officers of election have the authority to remove any rep who does not follow these guidelines.