Supervisors give Crowder & White go ahead for sand mine

Published 9:37 am Tuesday, October 23, 2012

FRANKLIN—Southampton County supervisors on Monday unanimously agreed to give a Franklin contractor permission to operate a sand mine behind the Hercules/Ashland plant.

“I think it’s an ideal use for the land,” Franklin District Supervisor Barry Porter said before the vote.

Crowder & White plans to mine sand for commercial use, said Beth Lewis, director of community development for the county.

The property west of Delaware Road and south of General Thomas Highway between Franklin and Newsoms is zoned for agriculture, however, with permission, mining is allowed.

Crowder & White plans to buy 384 acres from FIATP Timber in Delaware, R. Edward Railey III told supervisors. Mining would be limited to 158 acres east of the Nottoway River.

The river will be more than 200 feet away from any mining, Lewis said.

International Paper at one time used the property as a sand mine for maintaining logging roads.

The property has pits, which Crowder & White plans to expand with approval from the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy.

No blasting will take place and no mining activity will occur from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. or on Sundays. No buildings will be put up and fuel will not be stored on the property since Crowder & White has its office and shop nearby.

Access to the property will be from Shady Brook Trail.

The area is expected to be mined for 15 to 20 years.

“The need for the products mined here is growing, and a local business providing the product will be an economic boom to the county,” Lewis said.